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Youngsoo An


Baritone Youngsoo An has given performances in prestigious concert halls in Germany, Japan, South Korea and United States, including the Carnegie Hall, John F. Kennedy Center, Delaware Opera House, Baltimore Lyric Opera House, Shriver Hall, Seoul Arts Center Opera House, Daegu Opera House and Sejong Center for the Performing Arts. Mr. An’s operatic roles include Enrico in Lucia di Lammermoor, Becore in L'elisir d'amore, Germont in La Traviata, Onegin in Eugene Onegin, Peter
in Hansel and Gretel, Guglielielmo in Cosi fan tutte, Marco in Gianni Schicchi, Monostatos in Magic Flute, and Le Geôlier in Dialogues des Carmélites. In addition, he has performed with the Capitol Hill Chorale in Washington D.C. as a soloist for Handel’s Messiah.

Mr. An was awarded first prizes at the CAI International Virtuoso Competition and the Concert Artists Maestro Competition (first prize and outstanding). In addition, he was a finalist at the Boulder International Vocal Competition and received the Charles M. Eaton award in Voice at the Peabody Institute. Mr. An received his Bachelor of Music at Yonsei University in South Korea and his Master of Music from the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University. He is presently pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. as a recipient of George & Sadie Hyman Scholarship and John Paul Music Scholarship.

Currently, Mr. An is the choir conductor at the Global Mission Church of Greater Washington and the Korean United Church of Baltimore in Maryland. He is also the director of vocal activities at the Concert Artists International. In addition to his directing positions, Mr. An regularly performs as a member of the LAON ensemble with soprano Ji Eun Park, violinist Ahreum Kim, and his wife, pianist Sophie Hong.


바리톤 안영수

‘힘있는 음색과 풍부한 표현력을 지닌 바리톤..’

- 미주 중앙일보

‘관객들의 시선을 사로잡는 기쁨과 감동을 주는 바리톤..’   

– 더 코리안 타임즈 


바리톤 안영수는 연세대학교 음악대학을 졸업하고 이후 미국으로 건너가 쥴리어드, 커티스 와 함께 미국3대 음악학교로 꼽히는 피바디음악원 (Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University) 스텐리 코넷 교수 (Dr. Stanley Cornett) 를 사사하며 석사과정 (Master of music) 을 우수한 성적으로 졸업했다.


최근 몇 년 동안 그는 뉴욕 카네기홀, 워싱턴 케네디 센터, 볼티모어 리릭 오페라 하우스, 델라웨어 오페라 하우스, 예술의전당, 세종문화회관 등 한국을 비롯한 독일, 일본, 미국 등지의 유수의 극장과 연주홀에서 오페라 주역 및 쏠리스트 등으로 200회 이상의 활발한 연주 활동을 통해 관객과 소통하고 있으며 CAI Virtuoso 국제 콩쿨 우승, Concert Artist International Maestro Competition 성악부분 우승, 콜로라도 볼더 국제 성악콩쿨 남자부 우승 (Boulder International Vocal Competition) 등 여러 국제콩쿨서 입상하며 가능성을 인정받았다. 

주요 작품으로는 오페라 ‘루치아’ 의 엔리코, ‘코지 판 투테‘ 의 굴리엘모, ‘라 트라비아타’ 의 제르몽, ‘사랑의 묘약’ 의 벨코레, ‘헨젤과 그레텔’ 의 피터, ‘유진오네긴’ 의 오네긴 등 다양한 오페라 무대에서 뛰어난 음악적 표현력과 연기력을 보여주었다. 뿐만아니라 헨델의 ‘메시야’, 하이든의 ‘천지창조’, 모차르트의 ‘레퀴엠’, ‘코로네이션 미사’ 등 교회음악 분야에서도 꾸준히 활동하다 2013년 워싱턴 D.C. 캐피톨힐 에서 오라토리오 헨델의 ‘메시야’ 쏠리스트로 선발되어 성공적인 미국무대 데뷔를 치르며 오페라 뿐만 아니라 교회음악 독창자로서의 음악적 기량을 인정받았다. 특별히 피바디 음악원 재학시절 오페라 ‘헨젤과 그레텔’ 에서 주역으로 2년여 동안 볼티모어-메릴랜드 지역 극장, 학교, 교회, 사회복지 센터 등에서 30여회 이상 아웃리치 공연으로 지역사회 다양한계층에 오페라를 통한 문화예술전파에 힘썼으며 그 공로를 인정받아 Charles M. Eaton Prize in Voice 를 수상 하기도했다.   

그는 현재 워싱턴 지구촌교회와 볼티모어 연합교회 찬양대 지휘자, 메릴랜드 기독합창단 (Maryland Christian Choir) 과 미주 워싱턴 CTS 소년소녀 합창단 예술감독 이자 상임지휘자로서 여러 합창 연주를 통해서도 관객들과 소통하고 있으며, 클래식 연주 기획사 CAI (Concert Artists International) 에서 보컬감독 및 소속가수로 뉴욕과 워싱턴 D.C. 등 미주 지역 에서 성악가로서 다양한 연주 활동을 펼쳐나가고 있다. 워싱턴 D.C. Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, The Catholic University of America 에서 연주학 박사과정 (D.M.A.) 전액 장학생 (George & Sadie Hyman Scholarship, John Paul Music Scholarship) 으로 입학하여 재학중에 있다.


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